How to Persevere When You Are Bored of Your Workout Routine

How to Persevere When You Are Bored of Your Workout Routine

Everyone has been there, the dreaded feeling of workout routine boredom.

The gym doesn’t call your name like it used to, and you aren’t as excited about your workouts like you were in the beginning. What can you do to help?

Switch Up Your Routine

The most effective way to persevere through workout boredom is to find a new way to stimulate your muscles. You can try a new GroupFit class, you could research new workout regiments, or join an intramural team for some extra cardio. Whatever it is, make a new habit and find something exciting!

Update Your Playlist

When you find yourself in a workout slump, there’s no better way to pump yourself up than a fresh playlist. Stop listening to the “oldies, but goodies” and try some new jams. Try to pick some music that will lift your mood, while getting you pumped up for the next set. A new vibe from your playlist can go a long way. Don’t believe me? Just watch.

Get Outdoors

If your daily environment is causing your slump, try supplementing your workout regiment with an outdoor exercise. Work in some cardio with a run in the park, try bodyweight routines on the Student Center Green Space, or even plan a trip with Auburn Outdoors.  They frequently offer climbing and mountain biking excursions for students.

Workout With a Partner

Finding a workout partner can go a long way! Not only is working out with a friend more enjoyable because you have someone to gossip with, but they also keep you accountable when reaching your fitness goals. Find a friend and get fit!

Remember the Beginning

Lastly, think back to all of the progress you have made during your fitness journey. Sometimes we forget about how far we have come and how hard we work. Thinking about your improvement to your overall health and fitness can help revitalize that drive to reach your goals in the future.

Know of any other ways to combat workout boredom? Let us know in the comments below, or on social @AuburnCampusRec.

Be well, Auburn.

Photography: Cat S.

Dallas was born in North Carolina, and raised in Cumming, Georgia. A senior, majoring in communication and minoring in leadership and professional flight, he hopes to one day embrace the skies as a military fighter pilot.

If he isn’t staring into the sky listening for the sound of the nearest jet, you’ll catch him lifting weights at The Rec or tossing the football with a friend at the IM fields. Dallas spends his free time exploring the world’s splendor through travel.

Dallas thinks the most valuable word in the English language is altruism. Anyone who knows him would say he is dependable, friendly, and willing to sacrifice his own wellbeing for those around him.