Wordle: The Next Casual Gaming Craze

Have you recently seen a grid of squares appear on your timeline? Everyone has been going crazy for the new hit word puzzle game, Wordle.


What is it?

Every 24 hours a new word is generated, and it's a race to guess the word in as few tries as possible. You have up to six tries to guess the daily five-letter word. Playing the game is simple. Each guess will help you to eliminate and narrow down word choices until you reach the solution. Gray squares are letters that are not found in the word. Yellow squares are letters that appear in the word but not in that spot. Green squares are the correct letter in the correct spot.


Why is it popular?

The competitive nature of the game comes from the fact that everyone has the same word puzzle to guess. It's also extremely easy to share your results and prove to your friends that you are the word master.


How to get in on the trend?

Recently the game was purchased by the New York Times and is now found on their website.

It's incredibly easy to play. Just check in each day here.


Be Well, Auburn.

Born in Connecticut, raised in Marietta, Georgia, Erika is a sophomore studying graphic design. Once stepping foot on campus, she immediately knew Auburn was her home. She has goals to pursue branding and package design in hopes someday to be seeing her work on the shelves of Target or other big box stores.

Outside of school, she loves driving around singing music over her radio, lounging around the house with her roommates, or spending time with her friends playing pick-up games. Erika loves to create and share her passion for art with others, even selling her artwork on Redbubble. And when she isn’t sketching, she is most likely getting in a workout between classes. Her love of sports and fitness has been unwavering ever since she was a kid. Playing three varsity level sports in high school, including volleyball, lacrosse, and swim, she has always been on the move. There is almost no sport she hasn’t tried yet!