Lydia P.

Tasty Treats to ShamROCK Your World

Lydia P.
Tasty Treats to ShamROCK Your World

Rainbows and pots of gold; what better way to represent St. Patrick’s Day?

If you are searching for a festive sweet treat that is easy to make, look no further. These “Pot of Gold Oreos” are a crowd-pleaser and can be made in a matter of minutes with minimal ingredients.


1 package of Oreos

2 8oz bags of chocolate melting wafers or chocolate chips

1 pack of gold cake sequins

1 package of Airhead Extreme rainbow sour belts

1 cookie sheet lined with Parchment paper


1. Using a double boiler, melt the dark chocolate wafers or chips. (Instructions on how to set up a double-boiler can be found HERE).

2. Once melted and mixed until smooth, use a fork to dip an Oreo into the chocolate and fully coat it. Use the fork to remove the Oreo from the chocolate, and lightly tap the edge of the pot to rid the excess chocolate.

3. Place Oreo onto the cookie sheet and finish dipping the rest of the Oreos.

4. Once the chocolate-covered Oreo is completely hardened carefully pick it up off the parchment paper.

5. Slightly dip the top of the Oreo into the melted chocolate again.

6. Place the gold sequin sprinkles on the top where the melted chocolate is. Make the pot look full of gold!

7. Cut the Airhead candies into ⅓ pieces.

8. Spread melted chocolate onto the bottom of the Airhead candy to act as glue.

9. Place the chocolate part of the Airhead onto the back of the Oreo and lay them flat on the sheet until the chocolate hardens, so the candy sticks to the back.

10. Repeat steps 5-9 with the remaining Oreos.

Voila! You now have a batch of festive and delicious pot of gold cookies. I did this snack craft with a group of my favorite kiddos, and they loved it. Try out these fun treats this St. Patrick’s Day!

Wear green, eat cookies, chase rainbows, and…

Be Well, Auburn.


Born and raised in the small town of Clanton, Alabama, Lydia grew up eating peaches and cheering on the Auburn Tigers. Lydia’s parents are Auburn alumni, and they claim they began “brainwashing” her and her twin into attending Auburn University at an early age.

Lydia is a junior studying Business Marketing. Upon graduation, she hopes to live somewhere in the beloved south and work in the jewelry industry.

When she is not working or attending class, you can find her taking long power walks around Auburn, attending a workout class, or watching Wheel of Fortune.

Her favorite things include Starbucks, Hokas, her family, and her Apple Watch. Lydia’s goal for her remaining years at Auburn University is to continue growing as a person so she can become the best version of herself and serve those around her to the best of her ability.