These Animals on Treadmills are the Workout Motivation You Didn’t Know You Needed

These Animals on Treadmills are the Workout Motivation You Didn’t Know You Needed

We all have those days where the motivation to get moving isn’t there.  

Sometimes you’re too busy, too tired, or simply too lazy. To give you some motivation, we compiled a bunch of gifs of animals walking on treadmills. Because if a dog can take time out of its busy schedule of being adorable to hit the gym, so can you.

Look at this little guy cruising.


Or these two, who decided to adopt the buddy system.


Workouts are always better with friends, after all.


How about this guy, who walks to the beat of his own drum?


Or this cat who definitely understands motivation.


Even this lizard is getting in on the action!


What about this dog, who is too cool for school?


We understand trying to make a workout go by faster.


And sometimes you just need a little extra push.


How do you get motivated to work out? Let us know in the comments or share it with us on social media @AuburnCampusRec.

Be well, Auburn.

Originally from Minneapolis, Minnesota, warm weather brought Alice down south. She is currently a senior studying Journalism, and hopes to use her degree in the marketing world.

Besides her cat and sleeping, Alice loves writing, and editing other peoples’ writing even more. Above everything she has a passion for making people laugh, and wants to be able to entertain people with her writing.

You almost never catch her awake before noon, and if she’s not working you’ll find her listening to Kanye West or eating mashed potatoes… maybe both.