Why You Need to Download the Campus Rec App

Why You Need to Download the Campus Rec App

"This Campus Rec app is a livesaver."
— Everyone, soon, probably

With storage space being a valuable commodity these days, there’s no doubt as to why you may hesitate to download a new app. Or maybe you’ve just reorganized your apps into a color-coded format and don’t want to mess it up. Whatever your reason is, it isn’t good enough to not download the Auburn Rec app! Here are some highlights of what is offers:

Member ID

The devastating moment when you drive all the way to The Rec, park, and walk in … only to realize you forgot your Tiger Card. Your days of turning around and driving home are over. Now, just pull up your Member ID barcode and scan it at the turnstiles. Best. News. Ever.



Gone are the days of texting your friends who work at The Rec to check the hours. The Auburn Rec app is always up-to-date on facility hours. You can find not only the main facility’s hours, but also aquatics, Auburn Outdoors’ rental center, and the climbing wall. And, bonus, it also includes parking information with lot closures due to events in the Arena or Plainsman Park. 

Group Fitness Calendar

The Auburn Rec app is your one-stop-shop to prepare for group fitness classes. Up to a month in advance, all upcoming classes and cancelations are visible. It also includes a short description of the class, where it is held, and what time it starts. But I saved the best part for last: Anyone can easily reserve their spot in a class directly through the app! 


Auburn Outdoors Trips and Workshops

Select the "Courses and Events" icon to see upcoming Auburn Outdoors trips and workshops. You can now register directly from the app and lock down your registration before they fill up. 

IM Registration

Don’t know what intramural sports and events are offered? The Auburn Rec app has all of these listed in the semester they take place. The app also has links to registration, making sign-up easy and convenient. 


Push Notifications

Did you miss out on Get Rec’d this year? Have you risked life and limb during a torrential downpour only to find The Rec is closed? Turn on push notifications to get live updates for major events and closures to The Rec. Don’t worry — events like these don’t happen too often, so we won’t spam your phone with information! 


Have suggestions about how we can improve your #RecXperience? Let us know! When you open the app, you'll find the icon that says "feedback". There you can leave your name, email and any comments you have about The Rec. We want to know what you love, but also what you think we can improve on! 

Whether you’re just curious of the hours or trying to book your next group fitness class, the Auburn Rec app is a fantastic tool. And, oh yeah, IT’S FREE! 

Be well, Auburn.

Photography: Grace H. & Anna B.

Originally from Nashville, Tennessee, Chaney is a junior marketing major with a passion for fitness. When he isn’t busy with school or work, you can probably find him at The Rec playing pickup basketball.

His hobbies include cooking, eating and taking long trips to Sam’s Club. Most importantly, he is a huge lover of Chipotle and uses his writing skills to fund his addiction.