Bouncing Back after a Breakup

It is hard to say you have experienced a “good” breakup. Finding yourself and moving on is a process, regardless if you are the recipient of the breakup or the one calling it off. But, relationships and breakups are lessons and experiences to grow from. Here are some tips to help you bounce back after a breakup.

Surround Yourself with Friends and Family

Whether it was mutual or involuntary, breakups are hard. It’s important to surround yourself with people you know will have open arms and ears. Don’t be afraid to share your feelings and be honest with them. It’s important to have a reliable support system around you during these times.

Know Your Worth

It’s essential to know that you come first. Your attitude and feelings about the breakup are valid. It’s important to know that you matter and that this person does not define you.

Take Time for Yourself

This may seem cliché, but there is a reason it’s being repeated to you. Even if the relationship lasted three months or six years, that person was part of your life at one point. Take this time for yourself to learn who you are. You cannot love someone else before knowing how to love yourself.

Learn a New Hobby

Learn how to cook a new recipe, read a book series, create an Etsy store, play video games, or take up a new form of fitness training. Keep yourself busy. Adding a new hobby into your routine not only helps take your mind off things, but will also give you something to look forward to.

Keep your head up and…

Be Well, Auburn.