Exercise More Than Just Your Rights With This Independence Day Workout

Exercise More Than Just Your Rights With This Independence Day Workout

Looking to exercise more than just your rights? The chances of you getting to the gym on the fourth of July are slim, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get a workout in. Whether you’re at the lake, attending a cookout, or watching fireworks, you can do this patriotic workout.

Every time a firework goes off…

Do 15 jumping jacks.

When you hear someone say “Murica”…

Do 5 lunges, each leg.

Every time an American flag waves…

Do 3 burpees.


Every time you eat a red, white, and blue dish…

Do 25 crunches. (You’re probably already sitting).

After the Star-Spangled Banner plays…

Make sure to put your hand over your heart, and when the song finishes, drop and do 20 push-ups.


When you see a bald eagle…

Plank for 1 minute.

When a family member brings up politics…

Run away.

Make it a game, and enjoy these exercises while celebrating our beautiful nation.

Be Well, Auburn.

Photography: Jack P.

Cassie studies public relations and marketing. She feels pretty #blessed she gets to tweet and blog in her studies and her job.

Personality? Cassie’s a mix of an ENFJ & ENFP. She has just enough "J" to keep her life together but enough "P" to keep things interesting. She’s pretty much always up for an adventure...unless it's nap time.

Cassie loves people, traveling, food…and most recently, running (it’s a love/hate relationship). If she’s not going from one meeting to another, you’ll probably find her circling The Rec’s track (entirely too many times) training for her next race.