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The Lazy Girl’s Guide to Getting to the Gym

You see the typical gym posts everywhere — a girl doing ab exercises on your Instagram explore page, or a motivational quote on your Twitter feed.

Even when you open Pinterest to look for your next girls’ night cookie recipe, you find a “25 Minute Treadmill HIIT Workout” pin. The gym posts are everywhere … but you can’t seem to get out of bed and actually go. It’s too hard, too far, too crowded, too intimidating, etc.

For the lazy girls out there, (which is definitely me), here are some helpful tips for getting to the gym and actually working out.

Pack gym clothes in your backpack.

It’s much easier to go from class to The Rec, because let’s face it – once you get home, you’re not going to go back out. Packing your gym clothes in your backpack when you leave for the day can help you avoid the excuse of “I don’t have a change of clothes.”

Schedule your workouts.

It can be easier to work out when you schedule sessions between your classes and activities. Even if you have busy days, looking at your calendar and scheduling a time to hit The Rec can help you fit your workouts in and keep your energy levels up.

Find beginner workouts on YouTube.

YouTube isn’t only for watching your favorite vlog family and seeing what James Charles did with his #sisterpalette this week. YouTube can also be a great workout tool! There are hundreds of beginner videos that are easy to follow and can keep you motivated, even if you aren’t ready to commit to personal training just yet.

Grab a friend.

It can be intimidating to swipe your Tiger Card and walk into The Rec by yourself. The next time you’re ready to hit the gym, text your besties and see if they can come with you! This will make your workout a social event and keep you accountable. A win-win.

Use a fitness tracker.

If you aren’t the type of person to keep a planner and write down your goals and steps every day, a fitness tracker could work for you. Wearing it every day as a reminder to get your steps in or do your daily workout can encourage you to get to The Rec more often. And don’t worry, not everyone has to have an Apple Watch. Here are some fitness tracking apps that can be just as useful.

I hope these tips encourage you to grab your gal pals for a gym date this week! Try not to get discouraged if you miss a day or two. Every day is a new opportunity to get back into the groove and can be the start of a new lifestyle.

Be Well, Auburn.

Photography by Zoe L.