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Midterm Mindset: Managing Stress During Midterms

As we are all well aware… midterms are upon us. It is easy to get stressed about the long list of assignments, projects, and exams due this time of year.

Exam season doesn't have to take over your life. There are ways to manage your task load and keep your cool during midterms. Here are some tips to tackle your assignments and manage your stress!

Find Your Sweet Spot

Don’t wait until the last minute to start studying or working on a big project. Procrastination leads to increased stress levels and often spirals into a vicious cycle that is hard to break. Find the time of day that works best for you and when you feel the most productive. I enjoy working on homework in the mornings to early afternoons most days. Others may prefer to work in the evening, but be aware this cuts into sleep, which is crucial to retaining information and working effectively. Finding a time of day when you can work effectively will allow you to plan a study schedule around those times, keeping you on task and prepared for the due date.

Location, Location, Location

If you are like me, you can’t stand studying in your room. I struggle to feel productive, especially if my room is cluttered, which adds to the stress. There are also more distractions at home, whether it's a TV, phone, or even your bed. It helps to get out of the house and work in a new location for a change of scenery. I tend to be more productive in a quiet study environment like the library or a local coffee shop than at home. Being in a new location can keep you from bringing that stress home and allow you to unplug. Finding a study spot that allows you to remove distractions and work effectively will help you be more productive.

Balance is Everything

While it's easy to get caught up in your studies, make sure you are making time to take care of yourself and take breaks. Eating well and exercising are the things I start deprioritizing when I get in the trenches. These activities also affect my ability to perform well in school. If I don’t treat my body well, how will it help me succeed? Set aside time to get up and move between study sessions. Whether it’s a short walk or stretching, any form of physical activity will help improve your performance on those exams. Also, fuel your body and mind with foods that will make you feel good. Throw some nutritious snacks or meals in your backpack for long study sessions to keep your mind sharp.

Sometimes, it can feel like all or nothing, but it doesn't have to be. Don’t get overwhelmed by thinking everything needs to be done this second. Take a minute to breathe, collect your thoughts, and head into exam season with a game plan that sets you up for success. You are not in it alone. You can rely on your friends and peers to help cheer each other on through this time of year. We are all trying to survive midterms, why not do it together?

Be Well, Auburn.