Be Well

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How to Fit Self-Care Into a Busy Schedule

College is a lot. Between extracurriculars and countless hours of homework, it’s hard to squeeze everything into your schedule.

I struggle almost daily to find time to relax while still balancing school, work, friends, and alone time. Here are some ways I try and (mostly) succeed in fitting self-care into my busy and sometimes stressful day-to-day life.

5 Minutes

If you’re cramming last minute for an impossible exam, don’t let your brain self-destruct. For five minutes, take a breather and look at dog memes on Instagram, enjoy a mini stretch break, or do a five-minute meditation. Trust me, your books won’t go anywhere, and you’ll come back with a clear mind.

10 Minutes

College can be nerve-wracking. It’s easy to bottle things up, but letting things out feels so much better. One way to de-stress is by journaling. Whether you had a bad day at work or didn’t do so hot on that test, writing it all down can help alleviate some of the worry and clear your mind.

Make (or buy) a cup of coffee or herbal tea. Sit, enjoy your pick-me-up, and really try to focus on drinking it. The world can wait.

Call up a friend or family member. Talking about someone else’s day can help you unwind and gain perspective on your own problems.

30 Minutes

Netflix is always the best go-to break idea. A couch, comfy blanket, and The Office never fails.

Whenever I’m stressed, I always worry about breakouts. Good thing face masks are the cheapest therapy. Take 30 minutes to put on a face mask, and tell me you’re not ready to conquer the world after. It might not clear all of your problems, but it will surely calm you down. Find our favorite DIY ones here.

Run or walk away from your problems for just a few minutes. It will help clear your head and increase endorphins which will make you happier. (It’s science).

60 Minutes

If a run or walk around the block wasn’t enough, come to The Rec and do a full body workout. Sweating out the stress is always a great idea. Need to study, but also want to work out? Find out how to do both here.

Make some of your favorite recipes. Personally, I’ll never pass up the opportunity to make (and completely devour) some Pillsbury chocolate-chip cookies. Cooking forces you to switch your focus, giving your brain a break from the flashcards or Quizlet you’ve stared at for the past 3 hours.

Spend some time with your friends! Whether it’s a random grocery run or just sitting on your couch to chat, being with someone you care about is the easiest way to lift your spirits.

Share your favorite self-care rituals with us in the comments or on social @AuburnCampusRec.

Take care and as always, be well, Auburn.

Photography by Hannah C.