Be Well

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Morning Yoga Got Me Through Quarantine

Before quarantine, I tried yoga a few times, but never really gave it a chance. 

It always intimidated me, because I had preconceived ideas of what yoga was. I thought you had to be flexible or that you would have to do a headstand every time. Turns out, I was wrong. 

What Is Yoga?

It's a personalized practice that allows you to take time out of your day for yourself. You get the chance to focus on your breathing and your body. It allows me to check in with myself without any outside distractions. 

Yoga During Covid-19

During quarantine, I was struggling to find a way to keep myself grounded. My mental health was not at its best, so I needed something to help me reset myself. I decided to try yoga because there were so many options on YouTube, and I figured I could find something that works for me. 

It only took a few weeks before I noticed a difference physically and mentally. I did not practice every day, but even just a couple of times a week can make a world of difference. Yoga forces you to be in the moment, something I have always struggled to do. I highly recommend yoga as a form of grounding self-care. There’s a sense of accomplishment and calm at the end of every session. 

Yoga started as a tool I would use on my low days, but eventually became something that is key to my weekly routine. At least three days a week, I start my morning with a 15 to 30-minute yoga practice. It helps my body wake up and allows me to prepare myself for the day ahead. During this time of uncertainty, it gives me a sense of structure and routine that is hard to find when you’re stuck at home all day. 

 If you want to give yoga a try, my recommendation is Yoga with Kassandra on YouTube. She has a wide variety of videos for various experience levels. My last bit of advice is to remember that yoga is personal. Everyone is going to have their own unique practice, which is part of the beauty of it. 

Be Well, Auburn.

Photography: Abbey C.