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My E-Lister Bucket List

Have you ever felt like you were born to do something? For me, I’ve always known I wanted to work in movies. When I was little, I assumed that meant as an actor, though now I know that my calling is on the other side of the camera.

How I was supposed to get access to a film set from my hometown of Spanish Fort, Alabama, I had no clue—until I became a background actor for productions in Atlanta. Suddenly, I was on set more often than I was at home.

The story of how I got this job deserves a whole article of its own (it’s a pretty crazy story), but as soon as I did, I made a bucket list of all things I want to be as an extra. I figured that since I got this far working to make my dreams happen, I might as well have a little fun along the way! 

Without further ado, here’s my very extra bucket list of things I want to be on screen one day (plus some entries I’ve already crossed off!).

Play a dead body.

I feel like this is self-explanatory. I’d get to lie there on set, do nothing, and get paid at the end of it! Boom, easiest job ever. Plus, I’d want to go through a drive-thru in the freaky death makeup afterwards, just for the fun of it.

Interact on screen with a main cast member.

I was thiiiiis close to fulfilling this wish, but apparently my scene with Jon Hamm didn’t quite cut it. I’ve been in the background of plenty of shots with celebrities, but I really want one of them to bump into me or something. I just think that would be cool.

Get a full makeover for a shoot.

I’m not talking full glam here. I want to be so unrecognizable that I can’t even point myself out to my parents. I did have to get bangs and a perm for a show once, but I don’t think that counts. Ideally, I would be a walker on “The Walking Dead”, but I will also take any role that requires a complete, bodily transformation.

Be in a prom scene.

The clock is kind of ticking for this one (I’m almost 22), but I’ve played teenagers before and I think I can pull it off. Honestly, I just want a chance to put on a sparkly dress and dance around again, and prom episodes are always the best ones on TV anyway!

Be mistaken for a celebrity while working.

Did I put this on the list just so I could tell you the story of it happening to me? Maybe. But it did happen and it was hilarious, so it deserves a spot. Basically, I was the only person in the scene, and we were filming on a busy street—I probably took 15 selfies with people who had no idea who I was, but I didn’t have the heart to tell them that I’m not famous (yet.) Maybe one day!

Wear a period-piece costume.

If you don’t understand this one, watch “Pride and Prejudice” and get back to me. I have a sneaking suspicion that I’d look better in an 18th century French ball gown than I have any right to, and I really want to test the theory without having to go to a Renaissance fair.

Work on an award-winning production. 

I’m a little bit unclear on just how much I can publicly say about the things I’ve been in, but I will say that this particular wish has come true! A movie I was in was nominated for an Oscar, and a show I worked on has won several Emmys, which is really, really cool. For some reason, though, I didn’t get an invite? Must’ve been lost in the mail.

There you have it! Working towards my goal in film is something that’s taken a lot of hard work, and there have been days when I question if this is something I really want to do. Being on set (even as the lowliest of the low) revives my love for working on movies and brings me so much joy. It’s the best part-time job I could ever have. While some people see it as a stepping stone to where I want to be, I see it as the coolest opportunity I’ve ever worked for. Half the fun of getting to the destination is the journey along the way, so why not make it the most entertaining journey you could ask for?

See you soon on the silver screen, and as always,

Be well, Auburn.

Photography: Hannah S.