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Overcoming Online Classes

Taking a heavier load of online classes has had a different effect on all students. Some people thrive while taking classes from home, but others need that in-person experience to make things a little easier.

I would say I’m in the middle. I love taking some classes online but also really can benefit from that in-person lesson (mostly because it means my bed isn’t two feet away). I’ve picked up some tips along the way for making the semester go as smoothly as possible!

Use a planner.

This one goes without saying, but really try to get into using a planner if you haven’t already. It doesn’t have to be your average planner. Different methods work for everyone. Some people use apps on their phone, while other use a computer planner. I personally write everything down and also use the Reminders app on my phone for things I feel like are particularly important or very time-sensitive.

Tidy up!

At first, I really struggled with doing my classes from my room and would let myself get too overwhelmed with work and deadlines and leave my room a mess. I quickly learned that taking 15 minutes to tidy up and make sure your space is as clutter-free as possible can make all the difference! I have never been one to make my bed every day, but I do try to get up each morning and make my bed so it is less tempting to get back into.


Set personal deadlines.

A lot of professors choose to move deadlines back in order to try not to overwhelm us. This can mean that instead of a quiz being due every week, there is a single deadline when three quizzes are due. While this can be helpful, I find it necessary to set personal deadlines of when I would like to have each quiz done to ensure I’m not doing all three on the day it is due. This is also really helpful for situations like big projects or essays.

Keep a solid sleep schedule.

In college, everyone’s sleep schedules are different. Being at home all day can make it easy to take a ton of naps, stay up super late, and wake up in the afternoon. This definitely works for some people, but I personally have to try to go to sleep before midnight in order to get the sleep I need for each day. Being as consistent as possible makes it easier to go to sleep at night and get up in the morning.

Stick to a routine.

It’s really easy to have every day look very different while working from home. I recommend sticking to a routine to try to master getting everything done on time. Whether this means giving yourself time every morning for your coffee with breakfast or ensuring that you do one class at 2 p.m. every day, I find it very helpful to find some normalcy even from home.

Online classes aren’t always easy, but they can have their perks (like waking up five minutes before your lecture begins!). Try out these tips and let us know if they make your day a little easier.

Be Well, Auburn.

Photography: Ashley R.