April Fools!

Every year on April Fools’ Day we straddle the line between funny and cruel, hoping not to go too far.  Here are nine time-tested pranks you can count on without ruining any relationships…

1.     Faulty Remote

Put a small piece of tape over the sensor of a TV remote and watch as your friend struggles to control the TV.

2.     Fake Bugs

Cut out pieces of paper or cardboard in the shapes of bugs and tape them on the inside of a lampshade.

3.     Wrap Room

While your friend is out for a while, cover all the walls and furniture with Christmas gift wrap or tin foil for a fun surprise.

4.     Water Break

Leave a full glass of water out for your friend. The only problem is that it’s upside down. Cover the top of the glass, quickly flip it over, and put it down for a quick trick.

5.     Celeb Swap

Cover all personal picture frames with pictures of celebrities like Guy Fieri, Nicolas Cage, or even Aubie! See how long it take them to notice.

6.     Sweet Treat

Get a Krispy Kreme box and leave it out for your roomie with a dozen apples in it. The best part about this one is that it’s an excuse to eat a dozen donuts by yourself the night before!

7.     Mac-n-OJ

This one is probably the cruelest on the list. Nonetheless, this prank involves making a pitcher of water mixed with Mac-n-Cheese powder. This pitcher will look exactly like orange juice, and you better hope whoever drinks it doesn’t beat you into a pulp.

8.     Voice Activated Appliance

Put a sticker on a newer appliance reading, “Voice Activated, Try Me!”. After telling your roommate about the “new technology”, you will get to enjoy watching them struggle to activate the appliance.

9.     Toothpaste Oreos

Scrape off the cream from the middle of the Oreo and fill it with some toothpaste. This makes for a minty treat!

These April Fool’s Day pranks are a great way to pull small tricks on your friends without crossing the line!

Have fun and…

Be well, Auburn.


Bill has lived in Marietta, Georgia most of his life, but he is a New Yorker at heart. He is majoring in marketing and finance and wants to work in sports media marketing. His likes are watching sports, playing sports, and talking about sports. When he is not in class or at work, he can be found rooting for New York sports teams (Giants, Yankees, Knicks, Rangers), playing Xbox, or perfecting his fantasy football lineup.