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Corporate Girl Summer

Most people talk about hot girl summer, but for me, it was corporate girl summer.

With graduation approaching, I’ve been thinking a lot about what I want to do after school and what job I want to pursue. This past summer, I worked my first full-time internship at an Atlanta-based digital marketing agency as a Creative Marketing Intern. It was an amazing experience, and I’m here to share some tips on how I got the internship and how to make the most of your experience!

Do Your Research

It can feel incredibly overwhelming when starting the hunt for an internship. It can be nerve-wracking putting yourself out there. When applying for internships, I started exploring companies in my area and within a reasonable commute. Then, I read up on the company and its motto to find out if I could envision myself fitting in there. For me, company culture was an important factor in my decision-making process. After collecting a long list of potential employers, I got to emailing. Be ahead of the curve and reach out to them early, the longer you wait the fewer positions they may have available.

First Impressions

A cold email is a great way to show interest in the company and start a connection with them. This email is your introduction. Share your experience, what you like about their company, and the type of goals you’re hoping to achieve. This email tends to include a cover letter, resume, and portfolio (if needed). I reached out to over 50 different companies. Some companies you may not hear from because they may not be offering positions at the time, but this should not deter you from pursuing the internship you want. 

You’re Hired! Now What?

After making it through interviews, you’re hired! Now what? This is when you prove the company's investment in you is worth it. Make an effort to get to know the people you work with, ask questions, be respectful, and be willing to learn. During my internship experience, I felt like I was a part of the company, not just an intern. I met some amazing mentors and gained a lot of real-world experience doing real, meaningful work.


This last summer I may not have been getting a tan or relaxing at the beach, but I did learn valuable work skills that will continue to impact me through the rest of my college career and beyond. My mentors from this summer still check up on me and continue to support my growth as a designer and as a person. And it all started with an email.

Be well, Auburn