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The 16 Personality Types on Auburn's Campus

Remember that Myers-Briggs test you had to take for your Intro to Business class? Identify each of the 16 "personality types" you'll encounter on Auburn's campus.

I love discussing the different personality types (and their traits) with my friends. We’re all so different, and by understanding each other’s personality types, we can often work better together. Ever notice these different personalities on Auburn’s campus? If you’re wondering how to recognize them or where to find them around campus, you’re in the right place. On the off chance you haven’t taken the test before, you can find it here.


ENTJs will be in a variety of places, but wherever they are, you’ll know. Whether they’re the president of your organization, the guy who came over to tell you that your workout form sucks, or your friend who always decides where you’re eating dinner, they spend a good chunk of their time telling others what to do.


If a class isn’t absolutely mandatory, INTPs often aren’t there. It’s not that they’re lazy; they just don’t need to go. They’ll figure out the information on their own — and they’ll probably do it before the rest of the class.


ENFJs are somehow capable of doing everything — seriously. They’ll be involved, have strong friendships, make good grades, and keep their living spaces clean — even with messy roommates.


Overhear someone yelling on the concourse to everyone who passes? Or someone dramatically telling a story (probably while acting it out) to a group of friends? Likely an ESFP. ESFPs typically attend college for the experience more than the academics. Their main goal? To make as many friends as possible. 


You’ll probably find an INTJ in RBD on the 4th floor or in another quiet study zone. They’re often planning out their lives in extensive detail or getting a couple months ahead on their assignments.


ISFPs are often a little different — and proud of it. They’re sure to stand out by the creative way they dress. In Auburn’s sea of oversized t-shirts and yoga pants, they stand out with their stylish clothes and delicate makeup. They’re an artsy bunch and will probably spend much of their free time (or class time) doodling different designs they’ll likely use in their career.


Need a friend to vent to about all of your problems? Find an INFJ. They’re great listeners, wise responders, and they care enough to help you out.


Expect ENTPs to be in studio for their major or another creative space coming up with innovative ideas. These are the people to call when you need help hanging something in your apartment or fixing a technical difficulty.


INFPs manage to escape the collegiate trap of overcommitment better than anyone. Instead, they focus on one or two activities and fully engage, always giving 110 percent.


Typically, the ESTJ will sit toward the front of the class and answer all of your teachers’ questions. All of them. If you’re working in a group setting, they’ll be sure to frequently throw in some comments about how things should actually be done and push for their ideas with a fair amount of savagery. You might get annoyed, but they’re typically right, so you go along with it.


You know your classmate who freaks out after missing one or two questions on a test? Probably an ISTJ. They often need a lot of structure in their life and are your typical perfectionists.


ESTPs are your stereotypical popular college students. They’re usually well-liked by all and tend to be at the center of any social scene.


ISFJs consistently look for ways to give back. They’re the people who’ll take everyone’s plate after lunch, help others with homework, and recruit their friends for the multiple service organizations they’re involved in.


If you look over in class at an ESFJ, you’ll see multiple tabs open on their computers, color-coordinated notes and highlighters galore. They’re dedicated to their academics but even more so to their friendships and social life. No matter the scenario, they’re hanging out with a group of people. Expect to find them highly involved in social organizations like Greek Life.


You won’t find an ISTP in the same place twice, and on the off-chance you do, they’re only there because they have to be. They’re all about new adventures, and they often do everything possible to avoid being stuck in the typical college routine.


ENFP’s are probably the most productive group on campus — productive with everything but their top priority. They’re expert procrastinators and will create an entire blog, discuss the meaning of life with whoever is around them, go through their social media platforms 12 times, and seek to solve world hunger, all before cramming for the test they have the next morning.

So what’s your Myers-Brigg type? Think I got it right? Or wrong? Comment below or message us on social media @auburncampusrec. As always,

Be well, Auburn.

Photography: Bass B.