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Get in the Groove: Five Tips to Help You Transition from Summer to Fall

Shifting from summer to school can be difficult.

After all, getting back into a routine you’ve been avoiding for months isn't easy. In case you are still struggling to adjust, here are five helpful tips to get you back in the groove for school!

Go to sleep sooner!

For me, the worst part of going back to school is adjusting my sleep schedule. Those late nights hanging with friends quickly turn into all-nighters at RBD. Getting your sleep schedule back on track might seem impossible, but it doesn’t have to be. Just go to sleep sooner! It sounds pretty simple, right? At first, it might be tough, but once your body has time to adjust, falling asleep earlier will become a habit. Trust me, you’ll need the rest. If you're struggling to fall asleep, try putting away your phone or laptop and then lying down. Put on some relaxing music, or consider purchasing blackout curtains.

Wake up earlier.

Not only will going to sleep sooner help you in school, but waking up earlier will also help! Even if you don’t have to be up early, it never hurts to start your day a little sooner. You will be more productive throughout the day, and you’ll even notice that you’re falling asleep earlier. It’s a win-win!

Invest in a planner.

Odds are, you haven’t had many due dates this summer. You have probably enjoyed your test, quiz and project-free lifestyle, but now that school has arrived again, you are definitely going to need a planner. Without one, things can get a bit crazy. Using a planner is a great way to stay up-to-date on class assignments, organize activities, and keep you on your A-game. Check out our favorite places to find great planners here!

Designate a time of your day for quiet.

Everyone needs quiet time, but for college students that can be a foreign concept. There’s always an activity or assignment to do, but setting aside a time to gather your thoughts can be monumental when it comes to productivity. Whether it’s at the start or end of your day, step away from the books and give your mind a chance to rest. Mindfulness is so important, and it's worth training yourself to be more intentional — here's why.

Make to-do lists (and get them done)!

Is there any better feeling than checking off tasks from your to-do list? No, and we all know it. To-do lists offer an easy way to visually keep track of the tasks you need to accomplish. Just jot down what you need to do as it comes to you in your planner or notebook. Keep the list going to see your progress!

Have any tips of your own? Share them with us below!

Be well, Auburn.

Photography: Julia B.