Last Minute Halloween Costume Guide

Last Minute Halloween Costume Guide

Halloween is finally here, and if you’re like me, you’re one of those people that simply doesn’t have the time to plan out every detail of your costume weeks in advance.

Don’t let your lack of a costume spook you! Whether you have one day or one hour, your Halloween can still be saved. I came up with a list of last-minute Halloween costumes, so you don’t have to.

1. Black Cat

For my girls, this one’s a no-brainer: a black cat costume. Grab any black dress or black shirt and bottoms, draw on some whiskers and a nose, and you’re set! Bonus points if you happen to have some cat ears or a tail lying around.

2. Risky Business

The next one is a time-honored classic that anyone can use, and that would be Tom Cruise in Risky Business. All you need is a men’s button-down shirt, some boxers (or any shorts for girls), sunglasses, and tall socks. Missing some of these pieces? Make a quick run to Walmart and you can find what you need for cheap.

3. Greek God/Goddess

Have an extra bed sheet or pillowcase? If so, you can be a Greek god/goddess. When in doubt, YouTube is full of tutorials for wrapping or cutting your materials into a fashionable toga.

4. Ted Lasso

If you’re a guy looking for something more unique, but still last-minute friendly, I recommend being Ted Lasso. Throw on some khaki pants, a sweater vest over a long-sleeve shirt, a visor and sunglasses, and the crucial element— a mustache. I don’t care whether you have no facial hair and need to draw it on… you NEED the mustache!

5. Athlete

Lastly, for the minimum-effort route: a sports jersey. I don’t need to explain that one, right?

Hopefully, these suggestions helped spark some last-minute creativity. If you don’t want to go it alone, you can always grab a friend and make it a duo. With this list you never have to stress about a costume again! However, next year— and here’s a spooky thought— plan your costume in advance! Have a Happy Halloween!

Be Well, Auburn.


Born and raised in Houston, Texas, Avery is a senior majoring in Marketing. Avery came all the way to Auburn in the hopes of meeting new people and finding a community.

After graduation, she hopes to pursue a career in marketing and would love to live in a fun, new city like Nashville or Atlanta. Avery loves to spend her free time hanging out with her 5 roommates and best friends, getting coffee from Starbucks, watching makeup artists on TikTok, and going on walks around Auburn. She has a passion for traveling and the next destination on her bucket list is Greece.

Currently, Avery is making the most of her last year at Auburn and is expectant for what life holds after college.