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Auburn Seniors Discuss Their Undergrad Experience

With graduation fast approaching, these Auburn University seniors discuss their Auburn experience, what they're most proud of and how they met challenges along the way.

For some, graduation means entering into adulthood and getting a real-world job. For others, graduation means continuing their education and pursuing higher degrees. For all, graduation means forging new paths and opening a new chapter in life. As a graduating senior myself, I can attest that college really does fly by. The past four years have proved to be the most challenging and most rewarding time of my life, and it seems like I’m not the only one who feels this way. I asked three seniors about what’s on their mind as their days as an Auburn University undergraduate come to an end. You might just find that the hardest part of college is becoming your true self. 

So how do three random seniors feel about their time spent at Auburn? I asked the tough questions.


Tristan is a pre-pharmacy major planning on attending pharmacy school after graduation. On the weekends he doubles as a male model for The Southern Shirt Company. 

BW: Thinking back on your undergraduate experience, what are you most proud of?

T: “Becoming as independent as I am. My parents moved away, so I pretty much live on my own now. I work three jobs to pay most of my expenses. It feels kind of good to take care of your own stuff.”

BW: What do you think your biggest challenge has been in undergrad?

T: “I guess defining what I wanted. There are a lot of new things that come about when you’re in college, especially when you first get here. I think picking and choosing which one of those experiences you want to engage in and align yourself with is pretty important. “

BW: If you could give any advice to your freshman self, what would it be?

T: “Probably not to get overconfident. A little confidence is good, but don’t run around like you own the place. Also talk to more people and open up and smile more. Find the smallest thing to say to someone and just talk about it. It’s boring just walking with your head down and not saying anything. Say something. You won’t regret it.”


Kaylee is an anthropology major and plans to get her masters in medical anthropology and global health. She has her heart set on George Washington University located in Washington D.C. On the weekends, she likes to take early morning walks with her dog Atticus and relax when she doesn’t have to work. 

BW: Thinking back on your undergraduate experience, what are you most proud of?

K: “That’s a tough one, because I feel like I’ve accomplished so much and so little at the same time. I’d say I’m most proud of how much I’ve grown as a person, especially in regard to branching out and opening up. Because of that alone, I’ve managed to become vice president of the Anthropological Society on campus and become a facilities supervisor at The Rec!”

BW: What do you think your biggest challenge has been during undergrad?

K: “I grew up as a pretty shy person, so coming to a college with so many people and very few friends was pretty tough. It took me almost a year to make friends with people that I didn’t go to high school with, and even then it is still a pretty small group. Regardless, I’m thankful for the growing experience. It taught me how to be okay by myself and how to find people who value and appreciate me for me.”

BW: If you could give any advice to your freshman self, what would it be?

K: “There’s so much I would tell freshman Kaylee! I think the most important thing I could tell my freshman self would be that change is hard, and that it’s okay if you don’t adjust right away. Don’t try to change who you are completely, and certainly don’t expect to walk into Auburn a new person; there’s nothing wrong with who you are. You’ve got time. You’ll change and you’ll grow and you’ll mature, but you won’t even notice until you’re almost out the door."


Abigail is a geography major planning on pursuing her master’s degree in geospatial sciences with a focus on medical and health geography. She hopes to someday work for a government organization or non-profit and contribute to the global spatial understanding of disease. On the weekends she likes to visit with her friends and give her dog Cotton some extra love.

BW: Thinking back on your undergraduate experience, what are you most proud of?

A: “I am most proud of the organizations and opportunities that I have been involved in that have enabled peer collaboration. I had the opportunity to get involved with my department during my sophomore year, and by staying involved throughout my junior and senior years, I have a had opportunities to get to know my professors and peers which has proved invaluable through my graduate school application process.”

BW: What do you think your biggest challenge has been in undergrad?

A: “That would definitely be managing my time and stress.”

BW: If you could give any advice to your freshman self what would it be?

A: “I would say that it's okay to not be like everyone else. Do what you want and do not compromise yourself for others. Also, I would tell myself not to stress about everything so much. College is a strange time in which the world expects you to know exactly what you want to do and exactly where you want to go, but those things tend to happen organically without strict planning and excessive stress.”

Can you relate to any of our seniors? What’s your story? Let us know in the comments below.

As always,

Be well, Auburn. 

Photography: Julia B.