Thanksgiving is almost upon us. What better way to celebrate than with our favorite cast of Parks and Rec?

Here are some relatable GIFs that describe the moods that we feel on the fourth Thursday of November.

I think Andy speaks for us all on this one…


When your grandma brings out that second serving of pie, you just don’t say no.


I’ll just leave this one here.


When your relatives start asking if you’re dating anyone right now…

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When you have to choose between green bean or sweet potato casserole…

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Finally, don’t forget to remember what Thanksgiving is all about.


Be well, Auburn.


Maggie comes from a big family in Birmingham, Alabama. She came to Auburn along with her older brother and sister in hopes to create her own college experience. Her passion for meeting and learning about new people led her to pursue a degree in communication with a minor in marketing. She aspires to incorporate her communication skills with her love of helping others and exploring different cultures. Outside of school and work, you can usually find her taking a walk down College Street or working with horses at her childhood summer camp. Maggie loves trying different types of coffee from all over the world— she even has a subscription that sends her coffee from a different country each month!