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Feel the Beat of Bollywood

Four reasons why you need BollyX in your life.

I’ll be honest.

After working at The Rec for the past three years and never taking a Group Fitness class, I knew it was time. I had purchased a semester-long Group Fit Pass before, and I wanted to use it, but something always seemed to come up whenever I wanted to workout. #TheStruggle

When I heard that The Rec was offering free BollyX classes all semester, I knew it was time to actually stick to my plans of working out. And what better way to do so than to dance my heart out with 20-something strangers?

I had no idea what to expect, but as I apprehensively approached the big, glass room, I was immediately relieved to find other girls who were in the same boat as me. Almost everyone I talked to had never taken a GroupFit class before and had no idea what BollyX was, aside from it being a Bollywood-inspired workout.

By the end of the workout, I was happy with my choice. We were all sweating and laughing as we struck a pose at the end of the routine. I will be back for more, and I'm bringing friends.

Oh, and did I mention The Rec was the first place in the state of Alabama to offer BollyX? How cool is that!?

Here are four reasons why you need BollyX in your life:

It is a judgment-free zone.

On my way to this class, I was unsure about how friendly the environment would be. We all have a fear of walking into something new and then feeling insecure and awkward. Luckily, this class was a judgment-free environment where everyone just wanted to have fun. Most of the participants had never participated in a Group Fitness class before and cared more about having a good time than noticing how badly I butchered the dance moves!

You sweat.

You will literally hop, skip and bump your way to a good workout. It may be dance, but believe me you’ll be taking those water breaks. With all of the high energy moves, I was breaking a sweat in no time. By the end of class, I knew I got in a good workout!

You will meet people from around the world.

Since BollyX is a Bollywood inspired workout, I was able to meet many students from India as well other international students who shared a common interest in fitness! I loved seeing how different cultures can bond over simple things like having fun and staying active.

It’s free!

That’s right. BollyX is one of three free Group Fit classes being offered this semester. This means you don’t have to buy a Group Fit Pass to participate. If you are interested in taking the class, all you have to do is show up and sign in with the instructor. However, those with a Group Fit Pass still get first dibs on participating, so the class might be full before you get there. If you are worried about not getting into your class, be sure to check the roster on IMLeagues.

This semester, we are offering two additional free Group Fit classes. If you are interested in either Meditation or Partner Yoga, check our schedule for dates and times!

I hope you will join me in my fitness journey and feel the beat of Bollywood!

Be well, Auburn.

Photography: Cat S.