Unique Ways to Use The Rec’s Track

Unique Ways to Use The Rec’s Track

If you know anything about The Rec, you probably know about the incredible 1/3-mile track that loops throughout the facility. It offers great views of The Rec and Auburn’s campus, making each workout one to remember.

The only catch is that… well let’s be honest, running isn’t everyone’s favorite workout and may not be in line with your current fitness goals. Luckily, there are many unique ways to incorporate the track into your workout routine. Here are a few ideas to get you started.

Dynamic Stretching

Starting your workout with a quality warm-up, whether you’re prepping to lift or getting ready to crush some cardio, is essential. One of the most effective ways to get your muscles warmed up is with dynamic stretching. If you’re not sure what dynamic stretching is, think back to the butt kicks and high knees from gym class. The track is a great area to complete your dynamic stretches, as many of them require forward movement. Complete one loop around the track with some of these movements and you’ll be ready to crush your workout.  

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Walking Lunges

I know you might be thinking that walking lunges are just as painful as running but hear me out. Walking lunges are an amazing exercise to add to your leg day or HIIT workout. You can use them as a burn out or incorporate them into your main workout. These require adequate space so that you’re not running into people or equipment around you. The track is your perfect playground for these, and just one lap around the basketball courts will have your legs sore for days.

Sprint Intervals

Sprint intervals are a great way to do some quick cardio if long-distance running isn’t your thing. It’s much easier to control your pace on the track rather than a machine, and it’s typically easier on the body in terms of impact. There are also areas of incline and decline on The Rec’s track for some variety throughout your sprints. You’ll have plenty of space to walk when needed and get to see all those amazing views while you’re exercising.

 These are just a few of the many ways that The Rec’s track can be utilized by Auburn students. Keep the runners in mind while you’re completing these workouts and be sure to stay in the appropriate lane. Happy sweating!

Be Well, Auburn.

Originally from Nashville, Jordan came down to Auburn to enjoy the beauty of The Plains and to learn the true meaning of War Eagle (which she still does not know). She’s currently a sophomore studying spanish international trade, and has passions ranging from marketing to health and fashion.

Jordan enjoys weightlifting, a good podcast, and will never turn down a hike with her friends. Her favorite way to start the day is with a workout, nutritious breakfast, and cup of iced coffee. She loves living a fast-paced life, and hopes to reside in a big city after her time at Auburn (dogs included). She’s eager for the future, but for now, is enjoying living in the moment.